Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I decided to take the pups (Rango and Bug) up to the barn tonight, to "help" Lizzy with chores.  Mostly they just wander around while I clean duck water, lock up ducks, and fill sheep water.
But first we had to put the ram and wethers.
Then we let the girls out in the back pasture so they could eat out there while I did the other chores.
After chores were done we (Lizzy with the interference of the pups) gathered the girls so that we could put them in the agility field.
Its fascinating watching the difference in how Bug and Rango approach the stock. Rango will go to head, but will also fall in with Lizzy behind the stock.  Bug, like her father as a pup, wants to hold the stock to the other dog, however does not have the presence yet to stop them.

This up coming weekend is the Whiskey Creek ASCA stock trial.  Tommy is doing post advance sheep and cattle on thursday and on friday.  The challenge for us will be the drive away.  Each morning, we have been working on driving the big group of sheep.  They want to run back to their pen...   I have no fear that he can cover and flank... Just concerned about that drive away.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at Whiskey Creek. I really wanted to go to that trial, but lack of money gets in the way of a lot of plans : ) Definitely next year. I'm looking forward to reading about your experience there.
