Weather was mild for December... High 60's-70's. Only the rain caused any issues... I decided standing out in the field holding an umbrella was not very smart when I saw lightning.
One of the new (second clinic) attendees is a black tri, bob tail rescue Aussie. His face reminds me of my friend Linda's Gypsy. Watching him, he seems all Aussie. His first time, (last clinic) he started not even seeing the sheep. Only when his person showed interest in the sheep, did he do anything. But every session he does more. He would (already) be a useful farm dog. And his person is very good at picking up, and understanding how to do the walk. Turn and block.
My biggest challenge is a boxer. Very different in reaction to pressure, to stock. She has some pieces of instinct. Now to figure out how to put it together so dog and handler accomplish their goals. The dog will see heads, has presence, however I don't see desire to keep them together. I have seen the most improvement with self control, and pushing from behind. Though not something I would normally do, this dog did much better (more continued focus, more in control) while behind pushing the stock.
More thoughts later. Did play with some pups (mine and friends)